Riley is everywhere. He is close to walking but not quite there yet. He loves all the new freedom he has getting around. I'm never sure where I'm gonna find him anymore. He loves exploring and he plays really well by himself which is welcomed. He is getting into all G's stuff and I hear "No! Ry-ee!, mine" ALOT. He is a pig. He eats all the time and I don't know where my little runt puts it all. Maybe in those fat cheeks on his face. He's starting to make more "talking" noises than just squeals (lots of Ba, Ba, Ba, that are fun to listen to) He laughs all the time, especially at his brother. He is so sweet and his little personality is starting to get bigger everyday.
I finally bit the bullet and potty trained Garner. I realized he was a head taller than all his classmates at school all because he wasn't potty trained and couldn't move up to the next class. He has done great and caught on quick. As his vocabulary expands so does my understanding of what goes on in that brain of his and most of it is hilarious. His main goal seems to be make people laugh. Everyday at some point he says "Mama, watch this" followed by a face or some kind of stunt. He has also started swimming lessons this summer. Matthew goes with him and I think he is doing great. When I asked Matthew last week how they were coming he said "He's not an all star but probably a starter." Ha! He really loves his little brother. I think he weighs more pluses over minuses. When they wake up from their afternoon nap you can tell they have missed each other because they have to get a good hug and kiss in.
The pictures are just a typical day at the house. Sometimes it's nice to capture and remember the ordinary.